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Peyronie's Disease Treatment In Winnipeg

Peyronie’s Disease causes penile curvature due to scar tissue, often leading to discomfort and erectile issues, with treatment options available at Men’s Health Clinic Manitoba in Winnipeg

Peyronie’s Disease Treatment in Winnipeg

Peyronie’s Disease is a condition where scar tissue, called plaques, form inside the penis, leading to abnormal curvature, pain, and sometimes erectile dysfunction. This curve can make sexual activity challenging and may bring about emotional and psychological distress.

The exact cause of Peyronie’s Disease remains unknown, but factors like injury to the penis or genetic predispositions may play roles. Treatment for Peyronie’s Disease varies depending on the severity and stage of the condition. Options can range from oral medications and injections to surgical interventions in more advanced cases.

In simpler terms: Peyronie’s Disease is like a bend or curve in the penis due to internal scar tissue, which can affect its function and appearance, but there are treatments available to address it.

At Men’s Health Clinic Manitoba, we offer expert care and treatment options for those dealing with Peyronie’s Disease in Winnipeg. Our dedicated team is committed to helping men regain their confidence, comfort, and overall sexual health.

peyronie's disease

Treatment Highlights

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Treatments can range from at-home therapies (traction devices), injectable treatments and minimally invasive surgical procedures.

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Peyronie’s Disease is an abnormal healing response. Peyronie’s Disease is a very dynamic process early on, but over time the inflammatory changes may decrease.

Frequently asked questions about peyronie’s disease.

MH Clinic team of experts

Up to 1.3 million men in Canada alone suffer from this disease. It often targets men 40 and older, but men of all ages can be affected. The severity of the symptoms can also vary, as some men can end up with a bend greater than 90 degrees.

The disease symptoms can be extremely problematic for both the man and their partner, as it can hinder or even completely halt all sexual activity.

This is no trivial matter. In fact, depression questionnaires demonstrate that nearly 50% of men with Peyronie’s Disease meet the threshold for clinically meaningful depression. Even those who aren’t depressed often report relationship problems directly linked to this disease.  

Peyronie’s Disease is an abnormal healing response.

Peyronie’s Disease is a very dynamic process early on, but over time the inflammatory changes may decrease.

In fact, this disease is usually divided into two distinct stages: 

Acute phase: Can persist for 6–18 months and is characterized by pain, worsening penile curvature and formation of penile plaques (hard lumps). Men typically present to their doctor during this phase as they notice a painful “lump” or “bump” on their penis and may begin noticing a curvature when they get an erection. 

Chronic phase: Where the deformity remains stable. Pain with erection has typically resolved during this phase. 

In the largest published series of 246 patients with at least one year of follow-up.  

  • Most men (89%) reported complete resolution of pain. 

  • 12% of men had improvement of their curvature. 

  • 40% of men had no change of their curvature 

  • And 48% of men had worsening of their curvature. 

Mulhall JP, Schiff J, Guhring P. An analysis of the natural history of Peyronie’s disease. J Urol 2006;175:2115-8.

A physical examination by an experienced physician is usually sufficient to diagnose Peyronie’s Disease. The hard plaques can usually be felt with or without erection.

It may be necessary to induce an erection in the clinic for proper evaluation of the penile curvature; this is usually done by direct injection of a medication that causes penile erection.

Pictures of the erect penis may also be useful in the evaluation of penile curvature.

There are several treatment options that are effective for Peyronie’s Disease. The goals of treatment are to improve your ability to have satisfactory sexual intercourse.

Treatments can range from at-home therapies (traction devices), injectable treatments and minimally invasive surgical procedures.

There are no pills that can cure Peyronie’s Disease. Oral medication can be used as multi-modal therapy along with either injection and/or traction therapy depending on the deformity and the goals of treatment. Not all Peyronie’s Disease is the same and therefore treatment is patient specific.

Intralesional therapy

Verapamil is a calcium channel inhibitor drug that is often used to control blood pressure. Verapamil can also be used to stop the progression of the scar formation seen with Peyronie’s Disease.

Verapamil is injected directly into the plaque and may help soften the scar tissue to reduce pain and further improve the curvature.

Traction therapy

Traction, or stretching, therapy aims to straighten the penis. Traction therapy involves using a device that straightens and stretches the penis. Traction can improve your curvature and has been shown to regain length lost commonly seen with Peyronie’s Disease. There are a number of traction devices on the market with the most extensively studied and used device being the RestoreX® Device. Men’s Health Clinic MB offers the RestoreX® Device on-site.


This procedure involves placing sutures on the opposite side of the curvature to correct the curvature.


  • Simple and safe

  • Effective

  • Minimal to no risk of Erectile Dysfunction

  • Minimal to no risk of sensory issues


  • May lose length

  • May feel stitches

  • Urethral injury

  • Bleeding


Plaque Incision/Grafting

This procedure involves removing all or part of the scar tissue and placing a graft. This procedure is commonly reserved for patients with strong erectile function with complex Peyronie’s Disease.


  • May preserve length

  • May improve complex Peyronie’s Disease (hinge defect, hourglass, severe curvatures, etc…)


  • May develop Erectile Dysfunction

  • May develop sensory issues

  • Urethral injury

  • May feel stitches

  • Bleeding

  • Infection

Penile Implant

For men with Peyronie’s Disease and Erectile Dysfunction. A penile implant is commonly recommended in this scenario, as it can treat both the curvature and the erection problem.

Peyronie’s Disease can cause significant anxiety and depression. This is very common in men who have also lost penile length. Traction therapy can be used to regain length from the Peyronie’s Disease. There are a number of traction devices on the market with the most extensively studied and used device being the RestoreX® Device. Men’s Health Clinic MB offers the RestoreX® Device on-site.

Intralesional therapy

Verapamil is injected directly into the plaque and may help soften the scar tissue to reduce pain and also improve the curvature.


Shockwave therapy

Treatment involves using a probe to deliver ultrasound waves directly into the plaque to improve the pain associated with the scar tissue.

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Office Location

Men's Health Clinic Manitoba
Unit 3, 655 Sterling Lyon Pkwy Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3P 2S8

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